TRAXXAS 2252 - komplet zębatek serwomechanizmu 2250 / 2255 - metal

Product code: 102252
Manufacturer: TRAXXAS
Retail price: 124,70zł gross
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TRAXXAS 2252 - komplet zębatek serwomechanizmu 2250 / 2255  - metal.

Część zamienna modeli Traxxas w skali 1/10 i 1/7.

operating voltage [V] 6.0 - 7.4
Speed (6.0V) [sec/60°]. 0.19
torque (6.0V) []. 23,8
weight [g] 64
dimensions (l. x w. x h.) [mm]. 40 x 20 x 38
sprockets metal
bearings x2

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